Do You Have a Color TV?

As the news industry becomes more and more consolidated, one of the major markets affected is ethnic news organizations.

According to a Free Press study, the non-white population of America is currently around 33 percent. Yet only 3.26 percent of all TV-station owners are non-white.

According to a study by New American Media:

45 percent of people of color prefer ethnic media to mainstream media.

As the market consolidates, there is less and less room for people of color to acquire media organizations. True, there is less room for anybody to do so. But if our society hopes to push towards racial equality, that great promise of the 60's, the current media environment is an adversarial force.

Ethnic diversity is one of the major ideals being sacrificed to the profit-driven media push towards consolidation. This is no minor loss, and we are all injured by it.

This trend echoes those of the music and sports industries where people of color make up a huge portion of the talent, but have woefully little executive power.

Fortunately for our game, there is a new arena: the internet. In this budding era of citizen journalism, everyone can publish. All we can hope is that, as new media techologies gain ground, all of us might be better represented.

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