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Dacha Details

By Julia Lyashenko

The dacha is a Russian phenomenon, but it can mean different things to different people.

There are several types of dachas and the way each dacha looks depends on its owner. The first is the simplest one: an iron trailer just for keeping tools and a little garden plot. This kind of dacha is a necessity for retirees - they can plant and grow vegetables and fruits there. The second type of dacha is more comfortable than the previous one. It looks like a small house and many Russians spend weekends there. The citizens may also spend the whole summer in such dachas. All the amenities are there: electricity, running water, gas, central heating, and telephone.


The third type of dacha is an integral attribute for a person who wants to emphasize his or her position in society. This kind of dacha is represented by a luxurious cottage with a Jacuzzi, swimming pool, and a large lawn where you can play sports. These types of dachas usually have beautiful gardens with marble fountains and are very well guarded. Usually dachas are located away from the city and there may be rivers and trees nearby. It’s a place to spend time with family and friends. You can cook shashlik, drink and just relax.

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