Alexis Dahan's blog

A face that is worth a lot

A new horror movie featuring the first face transplanted woman is about to be released.

Like Brokeback Mountain, ABC got Crash(ed)

The TV audience of the ABC broadcasting of the Oscars ceremony went down last Sunday in comparison to last year. They said that 38.8 million people watched it this year while 42.1 watched it last year..

Why is Barbara Walters still here?

I was watching Barbara Walters' special show on the Oscars two days ago and was thinking to myself: "This is the worst show I have ever seen! Why is it being broadcast?”

NYU wins Oscars

Did you know that NYU's alumni were about to win some of the most prestigious Oscars?

Darwin's Nightmare

Darwin's Nightmare was nominated for the Best Documentary Academy Award. It is crucial, you have to see it.

And so goes the life of the photographed humans...

When they are all together, they meet, make out, get married, get divorced, and one day when nobody talks about them anymore, they die (their last headline).

"And the looser is ..."

A blog entry awarding the best movie awards ceremony.

All time biggest opening in France ever

Last week, 3.9 million people in France went to see Les Bronzés 3, Amis pour la Vie. Exciting, right?


What happens when movie stars are photographed like models? Go to any newsstand and look at the front page of any fashion/star magazine. Half of the last issue of W is about Hollywood, an actress is on the cover. Vanity Fair has 42 pages of Hollywood stars shot like models.

Starlet Johansson

She did it, she will be nude tomorrow in the Vanity Fair Hollywood issue.

MPAA is watching you

You are tired of downloading hundreds of mp3 a day? You have just improved your LimeWire skills? And you consider yourself as a rebel against Das Kapital? Become a pirate !

The 2006 Sundance Market

The 2006 Sundance Festival will end this week-end with its ceremony prizes but most of the movies are already sold and their buyers are already home.

Soderbergh blows the "Bubble"

What does it mean to forget about Pitt, Clooney and Damon in order to go and shoot some John Smiths on the Ohio-West Virginia border? It's like leaving your condo in Gramercy to share a studio in Hoboken! Why would you do that?

Watching movies on the Web, the crime of Technology

The art amateur is no longer taking the time to appreciate the work of art. You can put millions of mp3s onto your Ipod but how many of them will you really perceive and assess?

Pending what we already know about the Academy Awards

As every Oscar-predictions blog I have consulted in the last week announced, Brokeback Mountain will continue its raid on the award season by winning the Holy Grail on March 3rd. But...

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