"DRINK and Be MERRY, but Be not A DRUNKARD"

Do any of you ever remember the days when you would be at home and have a beer with your Dad, or, maybe an occasional glass of wine with your Mom? Well, the kids of New York better enjoy it while they can because those days may soon be numbered. According to the Daily News, a proposed city law is being created that may make it a misdemeanor for adults who turn their heads to underage drinking. However, the law is very ambiguous not including the adults’ own kids, and would not punish those adults who don’t know underage drinking is going on; adults must know or have 'reason to know' of it. I found this article extremely interesting because I found myself asking the questions: “Is the state of NY going to far with this law,” “Are the parents actually letting the kids get drunk?” In both cases, I feel the answer is a “NO.” What do you guys think?

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