Has 1984 Finally Come?

Bill Keller doesn't know about anybody else, but the executive editor of the New York Times kinda feels like journalists have a big bullseye painted on them in White House red.

So much fuss is made about the First Amendment and the power of the press. But when it comes down to it, people like Bill Keller still think we should be worried about the government's potential witch-hunt against the media. And he's right. I wouldn't be surprised if reporters were subpoenaed and dragged into court in the near future. It seems all too possible these days.

So what is any self-respecting journalist to do? Just keep on keeping on, as a particularly Southern friend of mine always tells me. The only way to prevent such persecution is to never shut those big mouths of ours. The only alternative is TruthSpeak.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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