The Blogosphere is Breaking Out - Someone Get It Some Clearasil

A new survey conducted by Blogads shows of over 36,000 blog readers, most fall into four different segments of audiences and have distinct characteristics: readers of political, gossip, mom and music blogs. And most political blog readers like blogs because they provide news not found anywhere else. While I'm not a big fan of surveys, let's just pretend for now that it's reputable.

The survey didn't delve into what political blog readers actually get from blogs that they can't get elsewhere, which makes me think: Are readers diversifying their minds with different viewpoints, or going to the internet to find more news that supports their own beliefs?

Avoiding the whole argument of authenticity of news reported on blogs, I think blogs are attractive because we can get writing with different viewpoints. We can pick and choose blogs we relate to and participate in discussions with others most like us. Maybe that desire is our distinctive characteristic.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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