Last Interview with the Arrested Astronaut

When news broke that astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak had been arrested for attempted murder and kidnapping, Ladies' Home Journal magazine took full advantage of their website to publish a never-before-seen interview with Nowak.

Ladies' Home Journal had interviewed Nowak back in September for an upcoming story on mothers with high-risk jobs and smartly utilized their website to publish the transcript of the interview within hours of the arrest. This interview is believed to be the last interview Nowak gave to a major media outlet before the recent events.

This clearly shows the power of online media; getting this interview out there drew a lot of attention to LHJ for having this exclusive "before" interview, and newspapers and blogs around the country have been quoting parts of the LHJ interview in their coverage of the story. It was definitely a smart move on their part to put it up there right away. The interview is so detailed about her childhood, career, and family life, and it shows Nowak as being very... normal.

I'm sure this interview is going to be analyzed to pieces by the press to try to uncover her movites, so just to throw it out there... she describes herself as "competitive, determined, energetic."


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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