When Reality Shows & PSA's Collide - Meow

VH1's new reality series about the high fashion Wilhelmina modeling agency, aplty named The Agency, is guilty pleasure TV at its best -- or worst. It's hypocritical, catty, and mortifying for the agents.

Yet, the PSA that was shown at the end of last night's episode didn't get this memo. It showed a horrific statistic that 40% of 9 year olds have dieted, basically saying that whatever "The Agency" represents is disgusting, harmful, and a public problem.

OK, duh! Isn't that the whole point of the show? The editors make this point very clear by portraying the agents, and the industry, as a sea of insecure, ugly (inside & out) middle-aged teenagers.

And because VH1 did their job so beautifully, the PSA had the opposite effect on me. I went from basking in my superior glory to wondering if I was weird for not having weight issues at age 9.

I understand what the statistic was trying to accomplish, but I think those advertisements should take a cue from VH1 and show disgusting behavior as a guilty pleasure, instead of just plain guilty. It's much more effective, and entertaining.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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