Blog Ads: Advertising Reinvented

Blogs are a moneymaking business, and one of the ways to make money is ads. Just ask Henry Copeland. He is one of the bigwigs over at Blogads, a company dedicated to blog advertising. He recently gave a presentation I got to see.

When Blogads began in 2002, the goal was to connect ads and bloggers. The company wasn’t an immediate hit, but today it places ads on nearly 1,300 blogs. That’s a lot for the blogging world.

Why should advertisers take their business to the blogosphere? Well, as we all know, the media is changing, and so is the advertising model. Where once you had strict standards and fixed ways to deliver advertising, now almost anything goes. What is essential is the understanding that everything is mixed and different ideas can be linked. Think of a hive of bees interacting to produce honey. It’s chaotic, but it works.

The buyer also has a lot of control over how his or her product is promoted. Advertisers can chose the blogs on which they wan to advertise, enabling them to target a niche. Blogads also claims that ordering ads is simple. And for all those frugal buyers out there, blog ads are typically cheaper than traditional advertising (banners, billboards, etc.).

So, what are you waiting for buyers? Embrace the future and start getting those clickthroughs.


Check out the winners and losers in the world of blogads.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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