NBC & News Corp Jump On the YouTube Bandwagon

Two brains are better than one, but are two media giants better than YouTube?

NBC and News Corp. think so.

They have just announced a joint venture to launch a free online video site this summer. It will be a mixture of NBC's hit shows (what hit shows?) and News Corp.'s movies.

This is a great idea and will benefit both NBC and News Corp., but their assumption that this website will make a dent in YouTube, let alone become the "biggest video destination on the Web" is rather absurd.

YouTube is so popular because it's fresh, entertaining, and sometimes so awful that it's hilarious. NBC and News Corp have none of these qualities. Watching your favorite television show is more of a procrastination venture than pure entertainment. And watching a movie on the Internet? Well, that's why God created fast forward.

There's no doubt that I will definitely check out the website, but that's only after I'm done with YouTube.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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