
Studio 20 Presents: Open Studio Night 2015

Student Presentations The Year in Innovation – Josh Benton   The Studio […]

December 17, 2015

6:00 PM

NYU Journalism, 20 Cooper Square, New York, NY, 7th floor

Student Presentations

The Year in Innovation – Josh Benton


The Studio 20 program at NYU presents:

Open Studio night: Dec. 17, 2015

  • Studio 20 graduates will present their final projects.
  • Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Conversation will be had.
  • Luminaries of the digital journalism community in New York will be there.
  • Josh Benton, director of Harvard’s Nieman Lab, will present his slide show: “The Year in Innovation: 2015.”

Greetings from the Studio 20 program at NYU: still the world’s only studio program in journalism education, focused on innovation, project-based learning, and figuring out where news needs to go.

Every year at the fall term draws to a close we put on Open Studio night, in which the program’s graduating students present their final projects in innovation, which they have spent six months working on. This year’s group includes projects on:

* field testing 360-degree video as a viable tool for journalism

* launching a sub-brand at a successful niche site

* developing a foothold in messaging platforms like What’s App

* finding new ways to measure the “impact” of a non-profit newsroom

* introducing user testing to a newsroom where it had not been normal practice

Josh Benton

And more! As we did in 2013 and 2014, we have asked Josh Benton, director of Nieman Lab, to review the year in journalism innovation and prepare a slide show that presents the highlights: the companies, the products, the tools, the people, and the ideas that pushed journalism forward this year. I think this will be very instructive.

So please make plans to join us: Thursday, December 17 at NYU Journalism, 20 Cooper Square, New York, NY, 7th floor. Cocktails and chatter, 6 pm. Presentations begin: 6:30. You’re done by 8 pm, but can hang out and drink with us after.

You can RSVP by emailing me, Jay Rosen, at this address: jr3[at]nyu.edu

Visit the Studio 20 Page