
Course Substitution Petitions

Students can submit a Journalism Course Substitution Petition to request that other courses (i.e. transfer courses from another institution) be substituted for journalism requirements.

Petitions will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Student Advisor, Abigail Winn, and final decisions will be made by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Pamela Newkirk. Please allow 2-3 weeks from the time you submit your request to be notified of a decision and have the course substitutions posted in Albert.

If you have any questions about the petition process or other types of petitions or requests, please contact

Course Sharing Petitions

According to CAS policy, students may “double-count” up to two courses between two majors and/or minors, but both departments must agree to the course sharing in writing.

Students can submit a Journalism Course Sharing Petition to request that Journalism courses be counted towards another major/minor. The Undergraduate Student Advisor will review your request and will notify both you and the other department of the decision. Please allow 1 week from the time you submit your request to be notified.

Please note that you will also need to obtain approval from the other department to count journalism courses towards that major/minor. You can follow up with them directly about the steps for doing this.