2015 - Spring

Non-fiction Narrative II – Language: Six Secrets to writing the perfect English sentence

Course Number: JOUR-GA 1050.001

Day & Time: T, 3:30-7:10pm

Location: 600

Instructor: Michael Norman

Six Secrets to Writing the Perfect English Sentence” is a writing course provoked by key readings and built around short assignments that require the kind of reporting necessary to deliver the detail necessary to create description and action. The assignments are short, but are usually rewritten at least twice. Some of the writing will be in class, closely monitored by the professor, who will assume the role of a “writing coach.” The pace of the course is measured, this to allow the rewriting of sentences until they are near perfect. The class has a bi-weekly workshop component. Students learn as much editing one other’s copy as they do struggling to create their own. The course is designed for students who know basic grammar and syntax and have a good foundation. The instruction is designed to raise the level of your writing at least one level or more. Students with serious “writing problems” should wait to take the course until their skill has improved, however, if your baseline writing is comprehensible, the course can spot your bad writing habits and will attempt to help you address them.

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