Patrick Symmes
Adjunct Faculty
Patrick Symmes is a correspondent and travel writer for national magazines, and the author of two books on the Cuban Revolution, “Chasing Che” (2000) and “The Boys from Dolores” (2007), which made the New York Times Ten Best Books list for 2007. As a long-time Contributing Editor at Harper’s, Outside, and Condé Nast Traveler, he has specialized in portraits of guerrilla armies, revolutionary movements, and closed societies, and has reported world-wide for more than 20 years on the intersection of travel with geopolitics. A former Harper’s Fellow at the UC Berkeley School of Journalism, he also publishes in Newsweek, GQ, Mother Jones, the New York Times Sunday Magazine, and the Telegraph in London, and has been anthologized by Best American Science Writing and Best American Travel Writing 11 times.