
Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics Info Session

Come hear about a unique 12-day international early summer program for journalism students.

December 3, 2015


RSVP: https://faspe.eventbrite.com

For graduate students and recent alumni only.

Come hear about a unique 12-day international early summer program for journalism students. The fellowships include an all-expenses-paid trip to Germany and Poland where students learn about the actions of journalists, editors, and publishers in Nazi Germany and during the Holocaust, and then use that history as a launching point for discussions about contemporary journalism ethics.

***Pizza will be served***

The 2016 FASPE Journalism program will run from May 20 to June 2. To be eligible applicants must either (1) be enrolled in a graduate program or (2) be working journalists who completed their undergraduate degrees between June 2010 and June 2014.

To apply or to learn more about FASPE, please visit: www.FASPE.info.

If you have any questions, please contact Thorin R. Tritter, Managing Director of FASPE, at ttritter@FASPE.info.