
Lab Lit: Writing, Publishing, and Reviewing Books About Science

Join NYU for inaugural “Random Walk” event, sponsored by the NYU Science Communication Workshops and Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program, with the support of the Simons Foundation, we convene three experts to discuss what goes into a compelling book about science, what reviewers look for, and how to get it published.

May 10, 2017

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
7th Floor Commons
20 Cooper Square, NY

In this inaugural “Random Walk” event, sponsored by the NYU Science Communication Workshops and Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program, with the support of the Simons Foundation, we convene three experts to discuss what goes into a compelling book about science, what reviewers look for, and how to get it published.

We will also be celebrating the debut of the Cooper Square Review, an online publication devoted to book reviews, essays and musings from and about the world of science.

Sharing their expertise at the event will be:

*   Jennifer Senior, daily book reviewer, New York Times

*   Eamon Dolan, editor, Eamon Dolan Imprint/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

*   Harold Varmus, former director of NIH, Nobel Laureate, author of The Art and Politics of Science

As part of an experiment in science communication, our guests will briefly discuss science publishing in a traditional panel discussion, and then will fan out around the room to interact with smaller groups of audience members interested in their particular area of expertise. Audience members will move from speaker to speaker in a “Random Walk.”

We’ll be serving wine and appetizers along with good conversation.
This event is open to the public.

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