2018 - Fall

WRRI – Magazine (Sec. 1)

Course Number: JOUR-GA 1021.003

Day & Time: Thursday, 10:00am-3:50pm

Location: 653

Instructor: Meryl Gordon

This class is designed to improve and develop your reporting, research and writing skills. You’ll generate story ideas and learn how to pitch these ideas to editors. You will write magazine pieces of varying lengths and try different formats, including a Q&A, a breaking news story, a personal essay and a long profile.

We’ll be exploring the many worlds of New York: high and low culture, politics, fashion, food, theatre, museums, courts, Wall Street, immigrants and neighborhoods. The emphasis in this class will be on polishing your interviewing skills, gathering relevant facts and finding your voice and passion as a writer.

We’ll read and analyze many examples of the day’s news, looking at what works, what doesn’t and why. We’ll examine which stories get covered, what topics do not draw much scrutiny, and the impact of these editorial decisions.  We’ll take field trips and hear from guest speakers. The ethics of journalism will be a constant undercurrent for all of our work and discussions.