
Writing Lost and Found

Celebrating 20 years of New York Review of Books Classics with a discussion on how books disappear and are rediscovered

November 7, 2019


NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
7th Floor Commons
20 Cooper Square
New York, NY 10003

How are literary classics lost and found? What great books and writers reemerge from obscurity and why?

Join us for a roundtable discussion on literary fates featuring Joan Acocella (on Stefan Zweig’s Beware of Pity), Robyn Creswell (on Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North), Edwin Frank (on Richard Hughes’ A High Wind in Jamaica), and Jenny McPhee (on Natalia Ginzburg’s Family Lexicon) in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the NYRB Classics series. The discussion will be moderated by Daniel Mendelsohn.

This event is co-sponsored by the New York Review of Books and the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. RSVP here

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