2017 - Summer
Reporting New York (Session 1)
Course Number: JOUR-UA 302-001
Day & Time: T/R - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location: 20 Cooper Square
Instructor: Mary W. Quigley
Albert Course Number: 2844
The only way to learn journalism is by doing journalism and that’s what we will do in this course. The goal is to give you as much research, reporting and writing as we can pack into a 6-week session. You will learn how to produce journalism—tell stories—in a number of different forms: as hard news stories, as feature articles, as blog posts, and as a Tweet or an Instagram or a Snapchat. You will be writing at least one and often two pieces a week.
Using New York City as the classroom, you’ll have an adventure in the process. You will interview strangers, travel unknown city streets, attend media events, meet newsmakers, encounter some only-in-New York characters.
You will be required to set up your own website to publish your work and use social media accounts to share with a wider audience. The class will have a Twitter hashtag, an Instagram account and a YouTube channel. By July you will have a professional online portfolio with news stories and features, audio, photos and video to help launch your personal journalism brand.