2020 - Spring

Advanced Reporting: Data Journalism (Print/Online track)

Course Number: JOUR-UA 301, section 2

Day & Time: Mon | 10:00 AM – 1:40 PM

Location: 20 Cooper Square, room 750

Instructor: Meredith Broussard

Prerequisites: The Beat JOUR-UA 201 (Print/Online sections)

In this introductory class, students will learn the skills needed to create visually exciting and thought-provoking online journalism. Topics include data journalism, data analysis, computer-assisted reporting, [painless] coding for journalists, and data visualization. The class is designed for an interdisciplinary group of students interested in writing, editing, visual design, or technology. Student-created projects will influence the path of the class: in a given semester, we may create infographics, investigate current political or economic issues, or develop innovative news apps.

Prior experience is not assumed, nor is it necessary. Students are expected to be comfortable with learning software beyond basic social media or word processing, and should be willing to learn new technology skills.

Notes: Required for students pursuing the print/online track in the journalism major. Counts as an elective for both journalism minors.