2020 - Summer

Style NY: Covering the Fashion Industry (Session 2)

Course Number: JOUR-UA 204.060

Day & Time: Mon/Wed 5:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Online

Instructor: Jessica Minkoff

Albert Class Number: 2633

Fashion and style have always been integral to the magazine industry – from the mainstream, runway-inspired glossies that thrive on the latest trends like Vogue, Harper’s BAZAAR, Elle and Marie Claire to daily papers like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Despite each publication having its own unique take on the fashion industry, they are all alike in that they express an opinionated view on clothing, designer talent, models, and fashion as it relates to society and culture.

As fashion journalism (like most things) begins to thrive more and more in digital media, magazines and periodicals have had to compete with a slew of bloggers and other influencers who have proven to be early masters of the fashion journalism game. Their points of view have attracted the attention of millions of followers.

Rooted in the study of fashion writing both past and present, Style NY is a course that was designed to work both as an online course and an in-person course. The structure of the class, as well as the assignments, will continue to allow for its students to gain a comprehensive understanding of fashion journalism via Zoom meetings, one-on-one coaching (by way of email and/or video chat) and peer review. Students can also expect to learn from and network with the course’s regularly scheduled guest speakers from all facets of the fashion industry including print magazines, digital outlets, retail entities, and the world of social media.