2023 – Spring
Advanced Reporting: Writing Social Justice (Print/Online track)
Course Number: JOUR-UA 301, section 1
Day & Time: Wed | 2:00 PM – 5:40 PM
Location: 20 Cooper Square, room 653
Instructor: Pamela Newkirk
Prerequisites: The Beat: JOUR-UA 201 (Print sections)
This is the Capstone course and emphasizes the development of students’ research, reporting and writing skills, culminating in a publishable long-form article. The course builds on the skills acquired in Foundations and The Beat towards the mastery of query writing, research, interviewing, reporting and writing; and deep reading. In this section, students will produce several 750 -1,000-word articles and one 3,000-word capstone article. Throughout the semester students will immerse themselves in issues related to social justice with possibilities including human or civil rights; poverty; criminal justice reform; immigration or gentrification. Given the recent presidential election in which candidate and now President Trump proposed a registry for Muslims and the building of a wall for Mexicans, the class may wish to consider a joint project that explores the impact the rhetoric and policies have had on these communities. Recent reporting suggests an increase in bias crimes against Muslims. We will spend the first few weeks reading and exploring the panoply of issues that you may wish to work on. Each week class time will be devoted to research, reporting and writing, guest speakers, or discussion. Each student will, in addition to assigned readings, select a book that provides background on his or her topic of interest. For example, those interested in criminal justice reform may wish to read The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander and consult reports issued by The Sentencing Project. Your mastery of the subject will obviously enhance your research and reporting and increase the likelihood of publication.
Notes: Required for students pursuing the print/online track in the journalism major. Counts as an elective for both journalism minors.
Questions? Email undergraduate.journalism@nyu.edu.