2024 - Spring


Course Number: JOUR-GA 1022.001

Day & Time: Thu | 5:15pm - 9:15pm

Location: 20 Cooper Square, Room 659

Instructor: Diana Ransom

Writing, Research & Reporting II: BER is designed as a feature writing class that focuses on business, and which builds on skills you acquired in WRRI. Over the course of the semester you’ll study the craft of magazine writing, come up with story ideas, participate in editorial meetings, write multiple drafts of feature stories and a column, read and discuss classic business books and articles and create and update your own business-centric blogs. To keep your deadline news skills fresh, you’ll also at times be assigned hard news business articles in class. In addition, I’ll invite magazine editors from some of the big books to come in and relate their experiences.

Pitching stories to professional sites with an eye to publication is an integral part of this class. International students who wish to use the Curricular Practical Training option for this practicum class should contact the NYU Office of Global Services and NYU Journalism Career Services.

Please note: Equipment Insurance is required if you need to borrow equipment. Purchase equipment insurance for a full year through College Student Insurance (CSI) https://collegestudentinsurance.com/.  CSI covers the gear checked out from the Journalism Equipment Room plus personal items such as laptops and cell phones.  Our suggested CSI plan  costs $155 with a $500 deductible.