2024 - Spring


Course Number: JOUR-GA 1022.012

Day & Time: Thu | 2:00 PM – 5:40 PM

Location: 20 Cooper Square, Room 750

Instructor: Jason Maloney

This workshop is the required advanced reporting seminar for GloJo students. It is a participatory workshop designed to further thesis and career preparation through a series of readings and assignments that strengthen student ability to structure longform work, to recognize strong sophisticated reporting and writing worth emulating, to write with voice within a journalism of verification, and to meet interim deadlines to keep thesis planning and reporting on track. This is a hybrid class, alternating between a reporting and writing workshop and a lecture/discussion seminar where we explore how power relations and positionality shape reporting.

Assigned readings, in-class exercises and discussions will build student knowledge of how to report, structure and write a long-form reported narrative piece. Preliminary assignments will include a reported op-ed or feature, a story pitch, and a shorter feature drawn from your long-form work. Discussions will address topics relevant to the challenges of thesis writing; examples include how to responsibly use remote reporting tools; how to incorporate historical background; how to write to engage and hold a reader’s attention; and how to pitch stories to editors.

Pitching stories to professional sites with an eye to publication is an integral part of this class. International students who wish to use the Curricular Practical Training option for this practicum class should contact the NYU Office of Global Services and NYU Journalism Career Services.