2025 - Summer

Food Writing and Reporting (Session 2)

Course Number: SS2: JOUR-UA 204.061

Day & Time: Tue/Thu 6:00-9:00pm

Location: 20 Cooper Sq.

Instructor: David Tamarkin

Syllabus: Download

Albert Class Number: 3485

There’s no beat like the food beat. What other line of journalism lets you explore culture, economics, history, real estate—and enjoy pasta and cupcakes while doing it? Every newspaper, magazine and website touches on food at least a little bit, because food touches every part of our lives. So all journalists should know how to write about food well.

In this course, you will explore food writing through readings, guest speakers, field trips and, most important, writing assignments. You will learn to write compelling restaurant reviews; identify and report on a major food trend; and write an article centered on a recipe provided by a notable home cook or chef. Each article will require reporting in the field and/or on the phone, as well as rigorous fact-checking. Along the way, you will become familiar with the ethics of food writing and learn how to avoid some dreaded food writing clichés.

Editing and revision will be given as much time as writing in this class. By the end of the course, you will have at least three polished pieces—a mix of genres and styles—that can be used for clips.