David Dent
Associate Professor | New York/Nation, Director
Email: david.dent@nyu.edu
New York/Nation Director, Author, Journalist, Full time Faculty
David J. Dent, an Associate Professor of Journalism and Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University, is author of In Search of Black America: Discovering the African-American Dream. He has lectured on the “invisible black majority” at universities across the country and has twice won NYU’s College of Arts and Sciences Golden Dozen Award for Excellence in Teaching. He contributes regularly to Vice.com on politics and has written for many publications including The New York Times Magazine, Book Review and Education Life sections, PBS Newshour.com, Psychology Today,, Inc. Fortune Small Business, GQ, Playboy, Essence and The Washington Post. He and his wife, Valerie, are founders of Write for the Future, an organization committed to using the tools of journalism to help high school students improve their writing skills. He has also led nonfiction writing workshops across the country. He is a graduate of Morehouse College and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
Published Articles & Essays