Madeleine Martineu
Visiting Scholar
Madeleine Martineu is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. She is currently a PhD student at the Université Grenoble Alpes in Modern Literature under the supervision of Laurent Demanze, and is a member of the LITT&ARTS laboratory. Her research focuses on the links between contemporary literature and journalism in France. She questions the impact of being both a journalist and a writer on the narrative forms chosen by authors like Emmanuel Carrère, Florence Aubenas, Jean Hatzfeld or Ariane Chemin. A part of her thesis is dedicated to the filiations between such authors and American narrative journalists. Her recent presentations concern new editing practices of creative non-fiction in France as well as radio reportage. She published articles about Florence Aubenas’ and Ondine Millot’s true crime writings at the crossroads of journalism and literature.