
Bait Your Hook: Create Your Best Doc Sample and Trailer

Documentaries can only succeed when they build a base of support – […]

March 26, 2014

7:00 - 8:30PM

20 Cooper Square, 7th Floor - TV Studio

Documentaries can only succeed when they build a base of support – first, to get made, and second, to be seen. Your sample reel is your best chance to inspire potential supporters for fundraising, and your trailer can hook an audience when you’re about to screen your completed film. Make sure to attract both funders and audiences by creating a top-notch sample or trailer. Panelists, including funders, broadcast gatekeepers, filmmakers and more, will discuss what works best. We’ll also screen NYWIFT members’ works for their critique.


Panelists: Judith Helfand, filmmaker/funder-Chicken & Egg Pictures, Doug Block, filmmaker, Fernanda Rossi, author, Sabrina S. Gordon, editor, [Cynthia Lopez, EVP American Documentary/POV]

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