
Documentary Distribution: Maximizing Opportunities

For the independent documentary filmmaker, finding one’s audience is more challenging than […]

April 2, 2015


7th Floor Commons, 20 Cooper Square

For the independent documentary filmmaker, finding one’s audience is more challenging than ever. There is more content uploaded to YouTube every day than all the hours of programming produced by the major networks in the last sixty years. The global output of feature films is about 50,000 per year. Creating a distribution strategy begins with acknowledging the media landscape is saturated with content and is fragmented.

Today, developing the most cost- and time-effective marketing and distribution strategy to reach audiences is a responsibility increasingly shouldered by filmmakers themselves. Join us for an exploration of the distribution landscape where we discuss exhibition windows, aggregators, acronyms such as DIY and DIWO, the importance of having a Plan B and realistic expectations for storytellers in a confusing, ever-changing marketplace. Our panelists will share their experiences from theatrical to educational options to help you ask the right questions and consider the options available for your project.


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