
Cross Media Panel: Navigating the Changing Media Landscape

Learn how to get yourself up to speed on multi-media reporting. Bloomberg News managing editor Shelly Banjo; ProPublica senior editor and reporter Jesse Eisinger; David Jeans, an investigative reporter for Forbes and Beth Pinsker, a financial-planning columnist for MarketWatch will discuss the ways that each of them has adapted their skill sets and approaches to reporting amidst fewer traditional journalism jobs

June 11, 2024


NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
7th Floor Commons
20 Cooper Square
New York, NY 10003

The media landscape has changed significantly in recent years, from consolidation, downsizing and the outright closing of many major news outlets, to a major shift in the way that information is disseminated. Learn how to get yourself up to speed on multi-media reporting. Bloomberg News managing editor Shelly Banjo; ProPublica senior editor and reporter Jesse Eisinger; David Jeans, an investigative reporter for Forbes and Beth Pinsker, a financial-planning columnist for MarketWatch will discuss the ways that each of them has adapted their skill sets and approaches to reporting amidst fewer traditional journalism jobs.
The discussion will be facilitated by NYFWA board member Steve Gelsi, a senior reporter for MarketWatch.
Audience questions are encouraged. Networking over light refreshments will follow.
Cross Media Panel
This event is open to NYFWA members in good standing. Guests are welcome to attend by paying the $15 NYFWA guest fee.
RSVPs Mandatory to: contact@nyfwa.org

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