Outside Clips

A journalism program located in the publishing capital of the world should be more than a teaching institute. We teach journalism by doing journalism. We also encourage and help students pitch their work. Our students, faculty, and alumni have been published across television, audio, print, and digital media. Here is some of our work. We hope you enjoy it.

Le Monde Diplomatique
July 28th, 2014
The black hole of US government contracting
Danielle Mackey
GloJo-LatAm 2015
Popular Science
July 28th, 2014
The Fight Against Fake Birth Control
Alexandra Ossola
SHERP 2014
The Atlantic
July 27th, 2014
New York City’s ‘Gay Health Warrior’
Joshua A. Krisch
SHERP 2014
Pro Publica
July 24th, 2014
Under Water: The EPA’s Struggle to Combat Pollution
Naveena Sadasivam
SHERP 2013
July 22nd, 2014
A Homeless Shelter Where Jesus Is Served
Corrie Mitchell
Literary Reportage 2014
IEEE Spectrum
July 16th, 2014
Holographic Displays Coming to Smartphones
Sarah Lewin
SHERP 2014
Le Monde Diplomatique
July 15th, 2014
In a world of borderless business, who may enforce human rights?
Danielle Mackey
GloJo-LatAm 2015
July 14th, 2014
Why soccer will never come home to the U.S.
Ian Blair
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2014
The Brooklyn Quarterly
July 10th, 2014
Welcome to Miami, Beckham
Alexia Nader
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2011
Inside Climate News
July 10th, 2014
California Hopes for a Strong El Nino
Amy Nordrum
SHERP 2014
Huffington Post
July 10th, 2014
Brazil’s ‘Quilombo’ Movement May Be The World’s Largest Slavery Reparations Program
Roque Planas
GloJo-LatAm 2011
July 10th, 2014
The Woman Who Helped Change How Police Treat Transgender People
Nicole Pasulka
Literary Reportage 2014
The Airship
July 9th, 2014
Infinite Yoshimi: David Foster Wallace and the Flaming Lips
Taylor Beck
Literary Reportage 2012
July 8th, 2014
Grassroots Reformer and Former Military General Vie for Presidency in Indonesia
Jason Maloney
Clinical Professor
Live Science
July 8th, 2014
Popular Testosterone Therapy Lacks Evidence
Jillian Rose Lim
SHERP 2014
The New York Times
July 8th, 2014
European Effort for Computer-Simulated Brain Draws Fire
Joshua A. Krisch
SHERP 2014
July 7th, 2014
Will Kanye West’s New Album Conclude the Heaven-Hell Trilogy MBDTF and Yeezus Started?
Isabella Biedenharn
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2014
narratively | nyc
July 3rd, 2014
Andy Mineo raps about Christ. Just don’t call him a Christian rapper.
Corrie Mitchell
Literary Reportage 2014
Eating Well
July 1st, 2014
How Good Gut Bacteria Could Transform Your Health
Gretel Schueller
SHERP 1996
Harper’s Magazine
July 1st, 2014
Strange Loop
Robert Moor
Literary Reportage 2011
Scientific American
June 24th, 2014
Music Changes the Way You Think
Daniel Yudkin
SCW 2014
Global Post
June 22nd, 2014
A female rapper busts onto Senegal’s male-dominated hip hop scene
Elizabeth Flock
Literary Reportage 2015
Data Skeptic
June 20th, 2014
The State of Personalized Medicine
Rodoniki Athanasiadou
SCW 2012
The Globe and Mail
June 20th, 2014
Rectify offers a different take on the male lead
Lara Zarum
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2014