Outside Clips

A journalism program located in the publishing capital of the world should be more than a teaching institute. We teach journalism by doing journalism. We also encourage and help students pitch their work. Our students, faculty, and alumni have been published across television, audio, print, and digital media. Here is some of our work. We hope you enjoy it.

Slate Publication Logo
June 20th, 2014
Zoos Drive Animals Crazy
Laura Smith
Literary Reportage 2015
June 19th, 2014
From ‘Cruel Intentions’ to ‘She’s All That’: Why 1999 Was the Golden Year of Teen Movies
Isabella Biedenharn
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2014
The Atlantic
June 18th, 2014
Flowers From Alaska
Amy Nordrum
SHERP 2014
The Scientist
June 17th, 2014
To Finish Off Polio
Ashley Taylor
SHERP 2012
June 17th, 2014
Can We Eat Away Invasive Species?
Hannah Newman
SHERP 2014
June 13th, 2014
Should Two Children Be Imprisoned For Plotting To Kill Their Classmates?
Victoria Beale
Literary Reportage 2016
Slate Publication Logo
June 11th, 2014
The Play’s the Thing? Homeless Transgender Youth Act Their Way Toward Justice
Lance Richardson
Literary Reportage 2015
June 10th, 2014
Rolling Nowhere, Part Two
Ted Conover
Book - The Asteroid Threat
June 10th, 2014
The Asteroid Threat: Defending Our Planet from Deadly Near-Earth Objects
William E. Burrows
Professor Emeritus
The New York Times
June 9th, 2014
Future Fossils: Plastic Stone
Rachel Nuwer
Adjunct Faculty
The New Yorker
June 4th, 2014
The Complex Calculus of Women’s Amateur Boxing
Amelia Schonbek
Literary Reportage 2014
Slate Publication Logo
June 3rd, 2014
It Doesn’t Suck
Lara Zarum
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2014
June 3rd, 2014
Rihanna’s Sheer CFDA Dress Is a Brilliant Instagram Prank – and an Empowering Statement
Isabella Biedenharn
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2014
Book - The Skies Belong to Us
June 1st, 2014
The Skies Belong to Us
Brendan Koerner
Adjunct Faculty
June 1st, 2014
Long-Distance Teamwork
Colin Warren-Hicks
Literary Reportage 2015
The New York Times
May 30th, 2014
Just Like Taco Trucks, Art Takes to the Road
Alyson Krueger
Magazine 2011
May 28th, 2014
Crossing the border
Colin Warren-Hicks
Literary Reportage 2015
IEEE Spectrum
May 28th, 2014
Learning New Skills With Superhuman Speed
Ariel Bleicher
SHERP 2010
May 21st, 2014
Egypt Election Boycotts Can’t Stop Sisi’s Inevitable March to Presidency
Jared Malsin
GloJo-NearEast 2013
May 21st, 2014
Bosnia’s Better Side
Anna Callaghan
GloJo-International Relations 2014
May 18th, 2014
What are gay rights activists in Russia fighting for? Looking beyond the anti-propaganda law
Natalie Shure
GloJo-RusSlav 2014
The New York Times
May 16th, 2014
Tell No One: Book Review of Invisible City
Book Review of Julia Dahl's "Invisible City" by Marilyn Stasio
Adjunct Faculty
May 16th, 2014
The Mysterious Boundary
Science Magazine
May 16th, 2014
How Great a Separation?
Bryan Sim
SCW 2012