Student & Alumni Outside Clips

A journalism program located in the publishing capital of the world should be more than a teaching institute. It should be a publisher. Welcome to the Institute’s publishing platform. Here the Institute acts as both public-interest publisher and presenter of work in different media by our students, faculty and alumni. In part, it is our laboratory, the place where we teach journalism by doing journalism and offer it to readers, listeners, viewers, and interactive users. Teaching requires one kind of audience, publishing quite another. This is where the two meet. The emphasis is on quality — work that is accurate and compelling, innovative and classic. We hope you enjoy it.

March 14th, 2009
Shopping Lists Replace Price Tags At Art Sale
Alex Schmidt
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2005
Fast Company
March 1st, 2009
Panjiva: A Morningstar for Manufacturing
Benjamin Popper
March 1st, 2009
Kathryn Joyce
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2004
The Electronic Intifada
February 20th, 2009
Ramattan’s war: The world’s eyes into Gaza
Toufik Haddad
GloJo-NearEast 2008
February 16th, 2009
You Don’t Need A Weatherman
David Puner
Magazine/Portfolio 2005
Global Post
February 11th, 2009
In the Wrong Hands
Shahan Mufti
GloJo - NearEast 2009
January 8th, 2009
Pentagon Wants Loving Chat-Bot to Calm Troops’ Kids
Stuart Fox
SHERP 2008
December 31st, 2008
In this South Asian Neighborhood, Everyone (Mostly) Gets Along
Jordan Cooper
GloJo-LatAm 2010
The New York Times
December 26th, 2008
Building a bridge to a better life
Charly Wilder
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2009
Poetry Foundation
December 17th, 2008
You Can’t Come Halfway Home From the Bar
Ian Daly
Magazine/Portfolio 2003
Columbia Journalism Review
December 1st, 2008
Murrow’s Boy
Jesse Sunenblick
Magazine/Portfolio 2003
November 24th, 2008
Billionaire Sex Scandals
Steven Bertoni
BER 2008
Market Watch
November 16th, 2008
Echoes of Asian crisis reverberate in Thailand
Polya Lesova
Magazine 2006
Inter Press Service
November 3rd, 2008
Racism Won’t Keep Arab Americans From Polls
Habib Battah
GloJo-NearEast 2010
November 1st, 2008
Evangelical voters cold to McCain
Carole E. Lee
Magazine 2001
Culture 11
October 30th, 2008
I’m Going As Barack Obama
Julie Sobel
Magazine Alumna
October 25th, 2008
The Age of Innocents
Michael Miller
GloJo - LatAm 2009
October 16th, 2008
How To Keep Morale High When Business Is Down
Adrianna Loeff
GloJo-LatAm 2009
San Antonio Current
September 23rd, 2008
Obama and McCain on Hutto: who’s on the fence?
Patty Delgado
CAS 2010
September 13th, 2008
Revolt of the Rich
Michael Miller
GloJo - LatAm 2009
City Limits
September 8th, 2008
Immigrants Fight Restrictions At Home
Gabriela Reardon
GloJo - LatAm 2007
New York Magazine
September 7th, 2008
Yelping Like a Grown-up
Ira Boudway
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2004
San Antonio Current
September 6th, 2008
Cosplay for the Manga Masses
Patty Delgado
CAS 2010
Women’s E-News
September 4th, 2008
Palin Mixes It Up for Women at GOP Convention
Alison Bowen
GloJo-LatAm 2010