Student & Alumni Outside Clips

A journalism program located in the publishing capital of the world should be more than a teaching institute. It should be a publisher. Welcome to the Institute’s publishing platform. Here the Institute acts as both public-interest publisher and presenter of work in different media by our students, faculty and alumni. In part, it is our laboratory, the place where we teach journalism by doing journalism and offer it to readers, listeners, viewers, and interactive users. Teaching requires one kind of audience, publishing quite another. This is where the two meet. The emphasis is on quality — work that is accurate and compelling, innovative and classic. We hope you enjoy it.

November 21st, 2016
Hacking the brain to overcome fear
Daniela Schiller
SCW 2010
Slate Publication Logo
November 15th, 2016
After This Election, Our Patients Need Us More Than Ever
Allison Bond
SHERP, 2009
The Guardian
November 15th, 2016
Medina Bikes: Africa’s First Cycle-Share Scheme Launches in Marrakech
Emma Bryce
SHERP 2012
November 6th, 2016
View from Canada: Your elections are too damn long!
Clare Church
GloJo-International Relations 2017
The New Yorker
November 1st, 2016
“I Have Outlived My Own Life”: Living Under Siege in Aleppo
Yasmine Al-Sayyad
GloJo-Near Eastern Studies 2015
October 31st, 2016
What It’s Like Losing Identity As An Asian American In NYC
Jia Guo
Reporting the Nation and NY 2013
October 27th, 2016
Iraq Takes on ISIS as the Battle for Mosul Begins
Jared Malsin
GloJo-NearEast 2013
Spectrum News
October 26th, 2016
How ‘Shock Therapy’ is Saving Some Children with Autism
Apoorva Mandavilli
SHERP 1999
San Francisco Magazine
October 24th, 2016
Murder Under the Mountain
Sarah Stodder
Literary Reportage 2017
Astronomy Magazine
October 24th, 2016
Could an Astronaut’s Corpse Bring New Life to Another World?
William Herkewitz
SHERP 2013
The New York Times
October 22nd, 2016
On the Trail of Interdependence
Robert Moor
Literary Reportage 2011
Elephant Journal
October 21st, 2016
How Pilates Helped me through the Loss of my Teenage Son.
Yaël Bizouati-Kennedy
Newspaper 2002
The Scientist
October 19th, 2016
Investigation Finds Pathologist Guilty of Systemic Misconduct
Bobby Grant
SHERP 2006
October 18th, 2016
LGBT health research, once seen as ‘disposable,’ gets a boost at NIH
Nicole Wetsman
SHERP 2017
NPR - Latino USA
October 17th, 2016
Despite ‘No’ Vote, Colombian Indigenous Groups Say They’ll Implement Peace Accord
Hanna Wallis
GloJo-Latin American Studies 2017
Select All
October 16th, 2016
What Happens to American Myth When You Take the Driver Out of It?
Robert Moor
Literary Reportage 2011
Current Biology
October 10th, 2016
Neuroscience: This Is Not a Spider
Daniela Schiller
SCW 2010
October 7th, 2016
The Artsy, Punk-Rock Appalachian Nook That Deserves a Road Trip
Prianka Srinivasan
GloJo-International Relations 2017
The Diplomat
September 19th, 2016
How the UN Failed West Papua
Prianka Srinivasan
GloJo-International Relations 2017
Al Jazeera
September 19th, 2016
Jordan’s Sudanese Refugees: ‘We are tired’
Layla Quran
GloJo-Near Eastern Studies 2017
Latino Rebels
September 18th, 2016
Women in Mexico’s Prison System (PODCAST)
Nidia Bautista
GloJo-Latin American Studies 2018
Russia Direct
September 16th, 2016
The West ignores the Ukraine crisis at its own peril
Natasha Bluth
GloJo-Russian/Slavic Studies 2017
September 16th, 2016
Who will speak for indigenous peoples at the UN General Assembly?
Clare Church
GloJo-International Relations 2017
The New York Times Magazine
September 14th, 2016
Could Ancient Remedies Hold the Answer to the Looming Antibiotics Crisis?
Ferris Jabr
SHERP 2010