Student & Alumni Outside Clips

A journalism program located in the publishing capital of the world should be more than a teaching institute. It should be a publisher. Welcome to the Institute’s publishing platform. Here the Institute acts as both public-interest publisher and presenter of work in different media by our students, faculty and alumni. In part, it is our laboratory, the place where we teach journalism by doing journalism and offer it to readers, listeners, viewers, and interactive users. Teaching requires one kind of audience, publishing quite another. This is where the two meet. The emphasis is on quality — work that is accurate and compelling, innovative and classic. We hope you enjoy it.

July 11th, 2013
Shakespeare Remixed, With A Puckish Argentine Accent
Tomas Hachard
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2013
July 10th, 2013
Billionaire Wayne Huizenga Sued Over Acquisition
Liyan Chen
BER 2014
The New York Times
July 10th, 2013
How Faith Can Affect Therapy
Ashley Taylor
SHERP 2012
CNN Money
July 9th, 2013
Cyberattacks are the bank robberies of the future
Katie Lobosco
BER 2014
July 9th, 2013
Spitzer Watchers: You’re Pronouncing ‘Comptroller’ Wrong
Kathryn Dill
BER 2014
Advertising Age
July 9th, 2013
City Spotlight: Portland, Northwest’s Hub for Collaboration and Transparency
Sonya Chudgar
BER 2014
Advertising Age
July 9th, 2013
Cans Make a Comeback For Beer Marketers Large And Small
Sonya Chudgar
BER 2014
Scientific American
July 9th, 2013
How Much Do CT Scans Increase the Risk of Cancer?
Carina Storrs
SHERP 2009
Boston Review
July 9th, 2013
Black in Time
Lucy McKeon
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2012
July 8th, 2013
Europe pours money into winning study-abroad program
Anders Melin
BER 2014
July 8th, 2013
Billionaire Jack Dangermond Launches Urban Observatory With Big Data, Interactive Maps
Liyan Chen
BER 2014
The new republic publication logo
July 4th, 2013
Why India is taking the U.S.’s Side in the Snowden Scandal
Maroosha Muzaffar
Magazine 2013
The Wall Street Journal
July 3rd, 2013
Crude-Oil Rises Past $100 On Egypt Tensions
Sarah Jacob
BER 2014
July 3rd, 2013
Your Spouse’s Feelings About Your Job May Affect Your Own Much More Than You Think
Kathryn Dill
BER 2014
US News and World Report
July 3rd, 2013
Gay Community Won Battles on Marriage, But May Be Losing the War on HIV/AIDS
Elizabeth Flock
Literary Reportage 2015
CNN Money
July 2nd, 2013
Eight states raise their gas tax
Wenqian Zhu
BER 2014
The Wall Street Journal
July 2nd, 2013
US Oil Futures Rise to a 14-Month High
Sarah Jacob
BER 2014
The New York Times
July 2nd, 2013
When a Bride Wants to Wear Pants
Alex Jung
July 2nd, 2013
On Fake Reality Show “Siberia,” the Biggest Villain Might be the Camera
Willa Paskin
Cultural Reporting and Criticism 2005
CNN Money
July 1st, 2013
Coal companies hit by oversupply and potential new regulations
Wenqian Zhu
BER 2014
Engineering News Record
July 1st, 2013
Pipeline Conglomerate Buys Contractor Brinderson
Yue Jiang
BER 2014
Believer Magazine
July 1st, 2013
Wanted: Macho Men with Mustaches
Nicole Pasulka
Literary Reportage 2014
Popular Mechanics
July 1st, 2013
Using Nuclear Fallout to Stop Black-Market Ivory
William Herkewitz
SHERP 2013
June 30th, 2013
SodaStream Leads Gains as Elbit Systems Drops
Jessica Summers
BER 2014