2018 - Fall


Course Number: JOUR-GA 1021.005

Day & Time: Monday, 11:00am-4:50pm

Location: 652

Instructor: Yvonne Latty

This class is your newsroom. You will learn to research, pitch story ideas, find the right angles, hit the streets and write it up on deadline. You will use this nation, rich with culture, diversity, money and power, to learn and practice your skills. Journalism is about people, their stories, the government and services that enable them to live their lives. This class is about finding your voice and embracing your beat with passion, respect and understanding. This is a multimedia class. In the course of our year together you will learn to shoot and edit video, discover the magic of audio and create compelling slideshows, all for the web and for our website, “NYC Pavement Pieces.” But remember, the words always come first.