2025 - Fall

Writing Workshop I – CRC

Course Number: JOUR-GA 1021.007

Day & Time: Fri | 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Location: 20 Cooper Square, Room 654

Instructor: Johnny Dwyer

This is the introductory reporting, research and journalistic writing course for CRC students, teaching cultural journalists the skills and conventions of news and feature reporting for print and multimedia. Students receive short- and long-form reporting assignments with intensive rewriting, and basic training in radio production. Open to CRC students only.

This course teaches cultural journalists the essentials of news reporting: the skills and conventions of journalistic practice across media platforms. Whether your reported work is published, posted or broadcast, you’ll need to work from the same ground rules as your editors, producers, sources and readers, and to master a repertoire of basic forms.

Pitching stories to professional sites with an eye to publication is an integral part of this class. International students who wish to use the Curricular Practical Training option for this practicum class should contact the NYU Office of Global Services and NYU Journalism Career Services.