2025 - Fall
Science Writing
Course Number: JOUR-GA 1180.001
Day & Time: Wed | 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: 20 Cooper Square, Room 655
Instructor: John Rennie
Science Writing is an advanced class that draws on all the skills students have practiced and polished during the previous year. The goal is to give a realistic preview of life as a working science journalist, from finding a story idea to pitching it to surviving the editing process to making sure the final product is accurate, clear and compelling. The class looks at science journalism from the editor’s point of view, and also emphasizes the process of popularizing complex scientific and technical information for the mass media. Students produce at least one feature-length story, as well as several shorter pieces. The goal, as ever, is for students to write stories they can pitch to professional publications. International students who wish to use the Curricular Practical Training option for this practicum class should contact the NYU Office of Global Services.