2015 - Spring

Journalistic Inquiry: The Written Word

Course Number: JOUR-UA 101.006

Day & Time: Mon/Wed 12:00-1:50

Location: 20 Cooper, room 659

Instructor: Sissel McCarthy


Prerequisites: JOUR-UA 501 Investigating Journalism

This is the first-level reporting, research and writing course, which emphasizes in-depth research and interviewing technique as it introduces a variety of journalistic forms, including the reported essay, the newspaper pyramid style, magazine and newspaper feature style and broadcast newswriting style. The course focuses heavily on the critical and impartial examination of issues through research and reporting. Research methodology is key, as are observation and interview preparation and techniques. Research and reporting projects will include interviews, off- and on-line research, including books, government and non-governmental documents, interviews and databases, scholarly journals and other sources. This course provides a strong foundation in basic journalistic forms, issues and responsibilities.