2014 - Fall

Press Ethics: Digital Thinking

Course Number: JOUR-GA 0012.003

Day & Time: Monday, 2:00pm-6:00pm

Location: 652

Instructor: Jay Rosen

In this course we will examine what makes journalism different now that it runs on a digital platform. Readings and discussion will focus on making sense of the large shifts that accompany the move to digital production and distribution in professional journalism, including the “always on” web, the lower barriers to entry, the rise of social media and “the people formerly known as the audience,” the ease of production using digital tools, the “unbundling” of news packages that were well adapted to prior platforms, the loss of monopoly status among news organizations, and the re-voicing of journalism in a more interactive environment for news. By comparing press ethics under the “old” system and the new codes that have emerged in the digital era, students will be able to hone in on what is different for professional journalists today, which is knowledge they will need for the remainder of the Studio 20 program.