2017 - Summer

The Film Beat (Session 1)

Course Number: JOUR-UA 202.002

Day & Time: T/R - 5:45-8:45 pm

Location: 20 Cooper Square

Instructor: Craigh Barboza

Albert Course Number: 5396

This course is designed for students who have a serious interest in writing about movies for newspapers, magazines or online news outlets. Students will learn and practice various forms of film journalism while completing close readings of some of the best and most important film writing of the recent decades. We will introduce key concepts in film as well as study individual movies, movements and auteurs, with guest speakers offering specific guidance on topics. Classwork will include screenings, group discussions, news quizzes and workshops. Planned class trips include a New York City film event and movie set visit. Homework will help students master some of the following: query letter, trend story, essay, personal reportage piece, criticism, Q&A and profile. The final will be long-form piece involving expert analysis. By the end of the course, students will have built up their historical knowledge of film and mastered fundamental reporting and writing skills. Their goal is to have their work posted on the class website or featured in a professional publication.