2022 – Summer
Eating the World: Food Writing and Reporting (Session 2)
Course Number: SS2: JOUR-UA 204.061
Day & Time: Tue/Thu 3:00-6:00pm
Location: 20 Cooper Sq.
Instructor: Kayla Stewart
Albert Class Number: 2585
Food is the essence of humanity, an integral part of growth and livelihood. It is also deeply entrenched in the human experience. Food tells stories about memory, politics, culture, and society. Capturing these stories, and finding ways to examine the intersection of food, culture, politics, and identity, are essential skills for journalists reporting on food and travel.
Food writing takes many forms: memoir, recipe development and storytelling, and reporting – often all within the same body of work. In this course, students will learn how to use these genres in their own writing. They will explore topics like justice and equity; read and listen to work from journalists, cookbooks authors, activists, and audio producers with a critical eye. Students will visit various restaurants, grocery stores, and/or farms and take field trips.
Assignments will include readings, audio listening exercises, Q&As, and one 1,500 reported piece. Students will learn that reporting on food, when done with rigor and empathy, can lead to some of the world’s most significant journalism.