2023 – Spring

Investigating Journalism: Ethics and Practice

Course Number: JOUR-UA 50, section 1

Day & Time: Mon | 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Location: Cantor, Room 102

Instructor: Dr. Chenjerai Kumanyika

Prerequisites: Expository Writing Requirement or the equivalent.

This lecture course will introduce you to issues in journalistic writing and reporting, such as the choices journalists face in method, style, and form; the political impact of the news media; questions of sensationalism, bias, and diversity, and the current digital upheaval. To better understand what journalism has been and might be, students are also introduced to a selection of outstanding journalism. Your work will be reading the assigned books and articles, coming to class ready to comment on and question them, preparing for some tests, and producing a range of writing assignments during the semester. (Unlike most of the courses in the Carter Institute and the Journalism major, this is not primarily a reporting and writing course, though reporting and writing will often be discussed.)

Notes: Required for the journalism major. Counts as an elective for both journalism minors.

Questions? Email undergraduate.journalism@nyu.edu.