Institute News

Shayla Love, a contributor the The Guardian and Psyche, has been named the winner of NYU Journalism’s Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award.
Love, the tenth winner of the annual award, is the first to hold a bachelor’s degree from NYU (in journalism and art history). She will use the grant to pursue a story on non-traditional, and controversial, pathways to develop new medications and health treatments.

Prof. Rachel L. Swarns Elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
The Academy, founded in 1780, honors exceptional scholars elected through an extensive process, and sponsors academic research endeavors. Prof. Swarns was elected to Class V – Leadership, Policy, and Communications, under Section 1 - Journalism, Media, and Communications.

NYU Journalism major David Cheung was a winner in this year’s Multimedia Enterprise competition of the Hearst Awards.
Cheung's 7-minute piece, a video deep dive into New York City’s Chinese Opera Scene, finished in 13th Place. It was Cheung's second win of the 2023-24 season. He was also a finalist in the category for Multimedia Narrative Storytelling. The win marks NYU Journalism's fifth of the year.

NewsDoc alum Giorgio Ghiotto won the Non Fiction Series student Emmy for his thesis documentary, Wings of Dust
Giorgio also won theThe Seymour Bricker Humanitarian Award, given to only one of the winners, with an award of $4000. He follows in the footsteps of Shuhao Tse who won these award last year.

The NYU Journalism major Stacia Datskovska placed in the top 20 of this year’s Personality/Profile writing competition for Hearst Awards.
Datskovska's intimate look into the life of a female firefighter and boxer, Nicole Malpeso: The Pride of Staten Island, which was published on Cooper Squared, reached No. 13 on the list. This was Hearst's fourth and last writing competition of the year.

Hilke Schellmann’s investigation on gender bias in AI-based visual classifiers for the Guardian was a finalist for a SABEW (Best in Business Award; Technology).
The Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing(SABEW) awarded Professor Schellmann's piece an honorable mention in the technology category.

Meredith Broussard’s “More Than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech” has been named as one of two finalists for the AAP PROSE Award
It is a finalist in the category for Popular Science and Mathematics. The PROSE award recognizes landmark achievements in professional scholarly publishing.

BER Alum Rachel Nostrant Selected as a New York Times Fellow
Rachel, who graduated in 2023, will be the The New York Times’s 2024–25 disability reporting fellow.

Professor Rachel Swarns won a 2024 PROSE award from the Association of American Publishers
The PROSE Award honors "authors, publishers and editors whose landmark works have made significant advancements" in their scholarly fields.

Jesse Coburn (GloJo-EurMed 2016) won the Polk Award for Local Reporting
From “Ghost Tags: Inside New York City’s Black Market for Temporary License Plates," [is] the product of a seven-month investigation that uncovered an extensive underground economy in fraudulent paper license plates that motorists used to evade detection while driving on suspended licenses, dodging tolls and tickets and committing other more serious crimes.

NYU Journalism major Pablo Ocariz Gimenez Makes Hearst Awards Top 20 List for Sports Writing
The Hearst Journalism Awards has announced its Top 20 winners in this year's Sports Writing competition. Pablo Ocariz Gimenez's story on "The New Business of Baseball in Venezuela" came in at No. 14 on the list. There were 128 entries from 70 universities.

Prof. Hilke Schellmann’s podcast “In Machines We Trust” wins Silver Anthem Award
The MIT Technology Review podcast won in the "Health Podcast / Audio Awareness & Media" categories.