Kateryna Panova
Studio 20 2014
Job: Founder of Rubic.us
Location: Miami, FL
Hometown: Kiev, Ukraine
What I Do Now
I manage a website for Russian-speakers in the U.S., focusing on explainer journalism and immigration. The next step is a platform and app for expat and immigrant communities around the world. I’d really appreciate ideas and suggestions from Asian and Latin American communities in the U.S.
Before Studio 20
I was a multimedia journalist who contributed to Forbes, National Geographic, Vogue, Newsweek and others.
During Studio 20, I worked directly with…
MIT Technology Review, New York Magazine, Fusion
Final Project Partner
Forum Daily
Problem I helped solve…
I transformed the content and editorial workflow of a legacy media company to meet the cross-platform needs of its audience. After graduation I became the editor-in-chief of its website, so I could fully implement my solution.
Professional hops since graduating…
I was editor-in-chief of Forum Daily, before I founded Rubic.us
Why Studio 20
Studio 3 helped me tremendously. The knowledge I got is very practical. I learned how to use different tools (like data mining, coding, video editing). I met people from the industry who came every week and told how they use those tools. And I started implementing this acquired skillset myself. I’m also now passing that on to my employees.