Lindsay Abrams
Studio 20 2017
Job: Associate Producer, Media and Program Operations at Matter Ventures
Location: New York, NY
Hometown: Long Island, NY
What I Do Now
I run the multi-platform media strategy for Matter, an accelerator for early stage, mission-oriented media startups. In addition to my outward facing duties, I assist the Program Director in planning and teaching design thinking workshops, the Director of Investments in sourcing and evaluating start-ups, and the Director of Partnerships in working with media organizations like the AP, the New York Times, and McClatchy.
Before Studio 20
Staff Writer, Salon; Editorial Fellow, The Atlantic; Program Coordinator, Journalism + Design at The New School
During Studio 20, I worked directly with…
The Wall Street Journal, Vox.com
Final Project Partner
Problem I helped solve…
How can digital publishers prepare their newsrooms to impart valuable, trustworthy information through emergent, platform-native article formats?
Professional hops since graduating…
Over the summer, I received a Google News Lab fellowship to work with Matter. At the end of my fellowship, I was offered a full-time job. I didn’t expect to go into VC from Studio 20, but Matter ended up being the perfect fit for my professional goals and skill set.
Why Studio 20
My goal upon applying to attend Studio 20 was to be “less exploitable.” I had spent several years working in online journalism as a writer/reporter, and had grown disillusioned with the industry and my role in it. Studio 20 gave me the skills, both technical and professional, that I needed to re-enter the media industry as a change-maker.
What my specialties are
Design thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship, media strategy, UX, platform-native content and strategy