Stephanie Ho
Studio 20 2017
Links: Twitter
Location: New York, NY
Hometown: Lima, Peru
Before Studio 20
I studied ethnomusicology for my first master’s at Wesleyan University and spent a year after working at arts non-profits in the city.
During Studio 20, I worked directly with…
Wall Street Journal, Genius Media Group/Genius.com, Associated Press
Final Project Partner
Associated Press
Problem I helped solve…
I developed a guide for journalists to learn how to incorporate sensors and physical computing devices into the reporting process and prototyped an example of a sensor journalism story.
Why Studio 20
Studio 20 made me realize that I was capable of a lot of things that I might not have been comfortable doing prior to coming to NYU, like coding, conceptualizing, and product design. Studio 20’s openness and welcoming nature also encouraged me to apply, I hadn’t had a formal journalism background but didn’t feel too deterred from changing my career path and applying to the program. I also really liked the experimental nature of the program and the hands-on approach to building and creating, which was a refreshing change for me.
What my specialties are
AI and journalism; sensor journalism; Raspberry Pi; graphic design; email newsletters