2022 – Fall

Methods and Practice: Audio Storytelling

Course Number: JOUR-UA 202, section 2

Day & Time: Thu | 6:00 PM – 9:40 PM

Location: 20 Cooper Square, room 653

Instructor: Richard Yeh

Prerequisites: Journalistic Inquiry: The Written Word JOUR-UA 101

We are living in a golden age for audio journalism. Radio has long been a medium that lends itself to communicating the news in an immediate and intimate way. Now, podcasting is allowing new voices to be shared widely. We can tell stories not just about the world around us but also share our own narratives and perspectives on anything and everything. This course will provide you with the tools to tell audio stories, while learning practical skills that will help build your career.

Notes: Counts as an elective for the journalism major and both journalism minors.

Questions? Email undergraduate.journalism@nyu.edu.

Students enrolled in this course may need to obtain special audio-visual equipment which requires that they purchase insurance. For more information, please review the Undergraduate Multimedia Equipment Guide.