Institute News

Distinguished Writer in Residence Ivan Oransky and Prof. Jay Rosen featured in COVID-19 explainer in The Atlantic

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An article from TIME on the growing influence of TV doctors during the pandemic quotes Prof. Dan Fagin

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NYU undergrad places in Top 20 of national Hearst Awards

NYU journalism major Yasmin Gulec finished in 17th place in this year's Hearst Awards Profile Writing competition.

Magazine alum Maya Chung wins 2020 NY Emmy

Maya's story, "Mom Of Teen Twins Killed By Their Dad Tries To Cope Without Them," won the Crime: Program Feature/Segment/Special category in the 2020 NY Emmys.

Prof. Jay Rosen talks with Vox about media coverage and propaganda surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic

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Prof. Charles Seife discusses COVID-19 disinformation on Al Jazeera

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Feature-length documentary “A Kid from Coney Island” co-produced by Prof. Jason Samuels premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was a #1 downloaded documentary on iTunes

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Matthew Power Award winner will report on health care in Russia

Maria Danilova is the sixth winner of the annual award. Dan Xin Huang is runner-up.

Distinguished Writer in Residence Ta-Nehisi Coates talked with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes about racial disparities in the COVID-19 pandemic

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Latin America News Dispatch (LAND) Seeks Funding in 2020

LAND, the Latin America News Dispatch, seeks funding to pay our journalists — the NYU students, alumni and freelancers from throughout the regions — who make this publication possible.

NYPL and WNYC’s inaugural Virtual Book Club reads Distinguished Writer in Residence James McBride’s new book “Deacon King Kong”


Reporting the Nation & NY students produce special report “Shutdown: The Coronavirus” on Pavement Pieces

The students are reporting on the nation as it copes with an international pandemic that has shut down the country.