Institute News

Distinguished Writer in Residence Ivan Oransky visits On the Media to discuss science communications in the time of coronavirus

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Distinguished Writer in Residence James McBride talks about writing, life and his latest book, Deacon King Kong, with the NYTimes

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Power Award winner writes about China’s gay dating app

Yi-Ling Liu, winner of last year’s Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award, publishes in the New York Times Magazine about the Blued app.

Studio 20 multimedia project “The Great Divide” nominated for a New York Emmy

The multimedia production explores the extremes of education, labor, housing, and identity through personal narratives of NYC residents.

Prof. Charles Seife wins transparency lawsuit that forces the FDA to post a decade’s worth of clinical trials data

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Two NYU undergraduate students place in the 2019-2020 Hearst Awards

NYU journalism major Jing Feng took fourth place in Television Features and NYU senior Kaitlyn Wang took 11th place in Narrative Video Storytelling.

Vogue features Prof. Eliza Griswold’s “If Men, Then” in their list of most anticipated books in 2020


The Nation includes Prof. Suketu Mehta’s book “This Land Is Our Land” in its 2019 honor roll of progressive people and ideas shaping the future

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Pop Matters recognizes Prof. Suketu Mehta’s “This Land Is Our Land” as one of the best nonfiction books of 2019


Prof. Meredith Broussard comments on algorithms and housing discrimination for Curbed

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Magazine & Digital Storytelling alum Tatiana Siegel named print journalist of the year at National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Awards

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Literary Reportage alum D.J. Cashmere wins 2nd place in 2019 Threesis Academic Challenge

The Threesis is a vehicle to showcase the academic excellence and important scholarly work of GSAS master’s students.