Podcasting - Photo of Microphone in front of podcasting software

What are you looking for in an applicant?

We are looking for journalists (or aspiring journalists) with a commitment to audio as a creative medium. The most competitive candidates will be those with a unique voice and perspective, who can demonstrate that they have strong research skills, are able to collaborate effectively, and have a track record of productivity. We value journalism and production experience, and certainly those will be key factors, but it’s even more important to us that you be driven to learn and feel passionate about the medium of audio podcasts. 

Can mid-career journalists with little audio experience apply?

YES! Whether you are a print journalist who is looking to gain technical skills and transition into audio, or someone who is looking to hone their audio craft, this program can help your process and offer the many resources and opportunities of the entire NYU community.

Are GRE test scores important?


You are welcome to submit them, but they are not going to be a big part of our decision.

Are ANY test scores important?

We are not equipped to support students who don’t have full command of English, unfortunately, so we do look at TOEFL/IELTS, if you have taken those and can use those tests to show your English proficiency.

How about undergraduate transcripts?

We ask for those to get a better understanding of who you are as a student. If there is something to explain about your performance as a student, make sure to do that in your personal statement.

Any tips for my letters of recommendation?

We’d love to get a sense from people who know your work habits well – especially research, writing, performance under stress and deadlines, technical ability with equipment or software, and any more specific skills to journalism or audio production (i.e. interviewing, audio production, sound design or scoring, etc.) – and we are particularly interested in hearing evidence and details, not just superlatives, to help us get a close view at your skills. 

Can I send my transcript and letters of recommendation by mail?

The University does accept letters of recommendation by mail in very exceptional circumstances, although electronic submission is preferred. Just be sure to register your recommender on the online application. More information on letters of recommendation may be found on the “Letters of Recommendation FAQ” page, available here.

Can I attend a class? 

Absolutely. While the audio journalism masters concentration formally begins in the Fall 2023 academic semester, you may visit several classes now which are being taught by faculty for the program. Sitting in on these classes will give you some insight into the teaching style and culture of NYU, and you’ll have the added bonus of having an opportunity to meet the professors one-on-one.

How important is it that I know exactly what I want to make during my graduate studies?

Sure, it would be great if you have it all figured out. But if you did, you might not be needing the time here at school. What we do hope is that you have done a lot of thinking about what interests you, what your goals might be, and the skills you want to gain. At this point, we don’t expect that students will have already deeply researched stories that they hope to report during their graduate education. Many graduate students find that the structure of school offers them the time and space to pursue work that otherwise they may never have the opportunity to engage in. Add to this time and the practical tools and training, and a picture of your graduate school experience starts to emerge. Maybe it’s the time to make portfolio-quality work that attracts you, but it’s the community of support which is really transformative. The guidance of experienced professors, your colleagues in the program and working professionals as outside editors provided by the program will provide relationships to not only strengthen your reporting but give you connections into the professional world which may result in employment opportunities or contracts to publish your audio series.